Best linux for power mac g5
Best linux for power mac g5

It adds PowerPC-specific improvements and restores the glue necessary to get most of modern Firefox’s advanced features working on older computers (going back to PowerMac G3 even).

  • TenFourFox: This browser uses the code from FireFox and is tuned for 10.4 (and compatible with 10.5).
  • He’s back to one machine and is extremely happy that his web browsing “feels like new again.” So, when I got home I installed the following PowerMac G4 browser options on his machine and after trying them all, he said that TenFourFox “felt” the fastest of the three with Facebook, but that all of them solved the problems he had been having. After doing a little research on each, I settled on three to try. But a few suggestions for some alternative browsers were made. as a media server, file server, print server, etc.), none of the co-workers I asked were actively using their machines for web browsing. Interestingly enough, while several of us had the machines in question for tinkering, nostalgia, or stand-alone tasks (ie. I asked a few others around the office here if anyone was still actively using a PowerPC machine. I let him know I’d look into it and get back to him. None of the browsers he used could be updated to current because his computer was incompatible. He told me that browsing has pretty much slowed down to a snail’s pace and he kept getting the getting the spinning beachball of death when visiting some sites – Facebook in particular. OK, time to be neighborly and delve a bit into the details of what exactly the browsing problems were. In the meantime he’s been using his daughter’s old PC laptop to get by, but he really misses having one machine for everything – web browsing on one and working on the other is getting a bit tedious.

    best linux for power mac g5 best linux for power mac g5

    He informed me that was the down the road plan, but it just isn’t in the budget quite yet.

    best linux for power mac g5

    #Best linux for power mac g5 upgrade

    When my neighbor asked me what he could do to fix his problems with browsing the internet on his G4 Mirrored Drive Door, my immediate response was to upgrade that machine to a Mac mini.

    Best linux for power mac g5